A Step-by-Step Guide to Installing XUI Panel (XUI.ONE) | Tips | 2023
To install the latest official version of Xtream UI on a server that already has it installed without reinstalling the OS, follow these steps. Although Ubuntu 18 is installed, it is recommended to keep Ubuntu 20. The panel is installed with Mariadb.
Install Xtream UI on Ubuntu:
Let’s begin with a comprehensive step-by-step guide.
Step 1: Run the installation script. Copy and run the following command:
wget "https://update.xui.one/XUI_1.5.5.zip" -O /tmp/XUI_1.5.5.zip cd /tmp apt install zip unzip -y ; unzip XUI_1.5.5.zip ./install
This will start the installation process and install the required packages and files.
Step 2: Once the installation is complete, you will receive a URL to access the panel on SSH. Visit the URL on a browser and add the license key. You will then be redirected to create a fresh new admin account.
To stop the Xtream UI panel, run the following command:
To start the Xtream UI panel, run the following command:
/home/xui/service start
To refresh the database, run the following command:
To create a rescue access code, run the following command:
/home/xui/tools rescue
To create a rescue admin user, run the following command:
/home/xui/tools user
To reauthorize load balancers on MySQL, run the following command:
/home/xui/tools mysql
To restore a blank database, run the following command:
/home/xui/tools database
To clear the migration database, run the following command:
/home/xui/tools migration
To flush all blocked IPs, run the following command:
/home/xui/tools flush
To regenerate ports from MySQL, run the following command:
/home/xui/tools ports
To regenerate the access code from MySQL, run the following command:
/home/xui/tools access
To quickly generate a complete backup, run the following command:
mysqldump -u root xui > xuiLT-backup.sql
To restore a selected backup to the Xtream UI database, run the following command:
mysqldump -u root xui > xuiLT-backup.sql
For the migration process, first restore the SQL file to the migration database with the following shell command:
mysql xui_migrate < database.sql
Now you have two ways to start the migration process for the Xtream UI database. You can visit the panel page and click on “Migrate” or do it manually on the shell by running the following command:
/home/xui/bin/php/bin/php /home/xui/includes/cli/migrate.php
To fix a license error, run the following command: