How to Fix /dev/loop0 (/var/tmp) is 100% full
If you are running a Linux system, you may have encountered the error message “/dev/loop0 (/var/tmp) is 100% full”. This error message can appear when the temporary directory is full and can cause a variety of issues, including software failures, system crashes, and other unexpected behavior.
Before creating the filesystem, you need to create a mount point for the tmpfs. A mount point is a directory where the tmpfs will be attached and made accessible.
To create a mount point for tmpfs:
Choose a directory name to use as the mount point. For example, /mnt/tmpfs.
Create the directory using the following command:
sudo mkdir /mnt/tmpfs
This will create a directory named “tmpfs” under the “/mnt” directory.
Now, you can create the tmpfs using the following command:
sudo mount -t tmpfs -o size=20G tmpfs /mnt/tmpfs
This command will create a 20GB tmpfs filesystem and mount it at “/mnt/tmpfs”.
Finally, you can set the permissions on the mount point using the following command:
sudo chmod 1777 /mnt/tmpfs
This will set the permissions on the “/mnt/tmpfs” directory so that all users can write to it, but only the owner of a file can delete it.
Your tmpfs filesystem should now be ready to use.