Managing a cPanel server efficiently is crucial for optimal website performance and user experience. In this tutorial, we’ll guide you through creating a one-click solution to fix common cPanel server issues using a custom bash script. This script will automate the process, making it convenient for users to resolve problems with just a single command.


Before proceeding, ensure you have the following:

  • Access to a cPanel server
  • SSH access to the server
  • Basic knowledge of working with the command line

Step 1: Creating the Autofixer Script

Create a new bash script named You can use any text editor to do this. In this example, we’ll use a one-liner with the curl command:

curl -sL | bash

This command downloads the script directly from the specified URL and executes it with Bash.

Step 2: Making the Script Executable

Since we’re not manually editing the script, there’s no need for a separate step to make it executable. The script will be executed directly from the URL.

Step 3: Executing the Script

Users can fix cPanel server issues with a single command. Provide them with the following command:

curl -sL -o
chmod +x


Congratulations! You’ve created a straightforward one-click solution for fixing common cPanel server issues. Users can execute a single command to check and resolve problems automatically. However, please note that running scripts obtained from the internet poses security risks, so make sure to review the script thoroughly before executing it.

For additional safety, encourage users to take a backup of their server before running the script. Additionally, always use secure and reputable hosting services for script hosting.

Remember, this script covers basic scenarios, and it’s crucial to understand its functionalities and limitations. Tailor the script according to your specific needs and perform extensive testing in a controlled environment before deploying it on a production server.

Categorized in:

cPanel/WHM, Server Management,

Last Update: December 10, 2023