Server Management

Suspending and Unsuspending Accounts via Root SSH in WHM/cPanel

In a WHM or cPanel server, administrators often need to manage user accounts, especially in situations where an account is involved in undesirable activities such as spamming or phishing. Suspending an account temporarily disables it, preventing any activity. This can be crucial for maintaining server integrity and security. While these actions can be performed through […]

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One-Click cPanel Server Issue Fixer Tutorial

Managing a cPanel server efficiently is crucial for optimal website performance and user experience. In this tutorial, we’ll guide you through creating a one-click solution to fix common cPanel server issues using a custom bash script. This script will automate the process, making it convenient for users to resolve problems with just a single command. […]

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Creating a Database, Database User, and Connecting in AlmaLinux, rockylinux etc

This tutorial will guide you through the process of creating a database, database user, and connecting to it in AlmaLinux using the popular MariaDB database server. Prerequisites: 1. Installing MariaDB: Open a terminal window and type the following command to install MariaDB: Enter your root password when prompted and press Enter. The installation process will […]

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Beginner’s Guide to Creating a Database, Database User, and Connecting with Ease in Ubuntu

Introduction:Embarking on your journey into database management on Ubuntu? This beginner-friendly tutorial will walk you through the step-by-step process of creating a database, setting up a database user, and establishing a connection with ease. Prerequisites:Make sure you have Ubuntu installed on your system, and you have administrative privileges. Step 1: Install MySQL (if not already […]

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Fixing CloudLinux Error: “su: cannot open session” due to Incorrect Ownership

Introduction:Encountering the “su: cannot open session” error in CloudLinux can be frustrating, but fear not! This tutorial will guide you through the process of identifying and correcting the ownership of files and folders under the user’s .cagefs directory, allowing you to establish a shell session successfully. Symptoms:You may come across this error when attempting to […]

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Top 50 Linux Commands and their Usage with Examples

Embarking on your Linux journey? Let’s unravel the power of the command line with this guide to the top 50 Linux commands. Each command comes with straightforward examples to help you grasp their usage effortlessly. Here are the top 50 Linux commands and their usage with examples Guide to the Top 50 Commands with Easy […]

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Hosting a Website on Linode: A Step-by-Step Guide

Introduction: Linode is a cloud infrastructure provider that enables you to deploy and manage virtual servers. Hosting a website on Linode involves setting up a Linode instance, configuring it, and deploying your web application. This guide will walk you through the process. Prerequisites: Step 1: Create a Linode Instance Step 2: Access Your Linode Instance […]

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Install Free SSL on AWS Server

Installing a free SSL certificate from Let’s Encrypt on an AWS EC2 instance involves a series of steps. Below is a guide to help you through the process: Prerequisites: Step 1: Connect to Your EC2 Instance Using the terminal or an SSH client, connect to your EC2 instance: Step 2: Install Certbot Step 3: Obtain […]

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